Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year, New Colors, New Resolutions...?

Welcome to the new look of the BPS TILT blog! I thought I would go with the latest fashion color schemes - freezing!

I know many of you have already announced your New Year's resolutions, but for those of you that have not...or those of you that might want to switch, I thought you could use some help. One of my favorite magazines has put together a listing of websites that are designed to help us improve our lives...whether physically, mentally, I thought I could share a collection of them with you - you know - to help you start off the New Year on a good note. Some of these sites are valuable and some are probably not. You be the judge.

Cool Sites:
Helps you keep up on the latest news and goings-on around your area.

Be Jackson Pollock
Wow! This site is so cool. Double-click once you get tired of one color. ANYONE can be an artist.

5 Minute Tutorials
This site has a collection of short videos to teach you how to do all kinds of stuff...all kinds!

This site will make a champion trivial pursuit player out of you yet!

Procrastinate Smarter! Thanks to Susan Veit, this is one of my favorite past-times and web sites.

Upload a phoe, drag N drop speech bubbles onto it...when you are done, email it.

Visit this eo-blog for instant greenspiration.

What's For dinner
Plan a week's worth of meals with this site. Get a recipe for each day of the week.

Put in your zip and find restaurants and stores that sell locally produced eats.

This blog is great.

Another great food blog.

All Recipes
I used this site for two different recipes just yesterday. You can get a nice printable form.

Search for running routes throughout the world. Now you can run safely wherever you are.

Find a new fitness tool (or toy). Choose a goal and the site will recommend the gear.

Bike & Hike
Find bike routes and hiking trails at your vacation spots - or in your own back yard.

This site tells you the essentials for ski resorts. Just click on the state to get your information.

Just Great Sites:
This is a site that enables you to convert anything that can be converted!

This is a fabulous site if your New Year's resolution is to be a better person. Lend money to people in developing countries trying to start a business. Lend as little or as much as you can. You will see how your money is put to use and you generally get your money back within a year.

Keep an inventory of your household in case of theft or fire. Be prepared to have detailed information for each item you want to catalog.

Rotten or Rad Neighbor
Put in the zip code and read user complaints or compliments on people in your neighborhood.

Find a Book
Enter the title or author of a book you love and this site will give you suggestions on what to read next. Cool!

Great crafts - all are one-of-a-kind!

Craig's List
Shopping for something bizzar? Wanting to find a great deal? Go to Craig's List.

Avoid Bad Technology by reading the negative posts.

Tweak your pictures online.

One of the most highly rated sites, this is the place to track the most talked about topics.

Whew! If you can't find some great site to help you with your New Year's resolution, you might as well go back to bed for 2009! Happy exploring. Let me know what site you find the most entertaining, helpful, bogus...worth adjusting your resolution.