I know that all of you have heard Desiree say that one of her primary goals is to change the way you teach. Yesterday, I was so gratified to hear - very publicly - that the change is happening, and is being recognized and appreciated.
I had the pleasure of attending the Educator for a Day luncheon. This once a year event brings members of the business world and community to our schools for a morning of observation and interaction. The morning concludes with a luncheon during which those participants are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences.
The very first gentleman spoke enthusiastically about visiting a science class using smart board technology to learn about angles of trajectory. He explained how he watched the "white board" discussion, and then how the teacher "erased the white board" and "immediately launched a YouTube video" that brought real world relevance to the discussion (Jake Brown's XGames skateboard crash for those interested). He talked about how engaged the kids were - whether they realized it or not - and how very excited and impressed he was with what he saw.
Other participants talked about teachers using hip-hop music to teach phonics and watching kindergartners on computers - and all talked about the innovative, creative teaching that they saw happening.
I don't know if any of the teachers in the examples that I heard are members of TILT - but I do know that all of you are a HUGE part of the innovation and integration that we see happening everywhere in the district, so please - take a moment today to pause, take a deep breath and give yourself a big pat on the back...then get back to innovating! I'm so proud of all of you!