Friday, February 29, 2008

Creating Podcasts: Preparing for your Podcast

This video explains how to use an ipod and italk to create an audio file for your podcast.

Using Podcaster to create a podcast

This video tutorial walks you through taking an audio file from iTunes and placing it as an episode in Podcaster. You can use this tutorial if you are using Audacity to record your episodes. Just remember to export your recording as an .mp3 file.

The video also explains publishing the necessary files to complete the process.

Have Fun!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Video Tutorial: Blogging

This video is a reminder of how you can create posts on a blog when someone invites you to be an author to their blog. A good example of this is the TILT Link Share blog...

Making Your First Post on a Blog

After you have been invited to be an author on a blog, it is just a matter of knowing a few steps to create your first post. Watch the video below to learn how.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Network vs Internet

Several teachers have asked me about finding the TILT folder on the Internet and every once in awhile, I see a teacher launch a web browser when asked to go to the TILT folder. AND...I have been asked why we can't see our server folders at home.

I thought it was time I explained the difference between a network and the Internet.

A network is a group of computers that are connected through cables or through a wireless connection. Typically these computers are in the same building or related buildings. Billings Public Schools is an example of a network. McKinley Elementary has its own network. When you use a network, you access files through your computer's operating system. You do not need to launch an application to locate files or folders that are saved on the network (saved to a server).

The Internet(a.k.a. The World Wide Web) is an information system of servers and clients that users can access data on other computers on a global scale (throughout the world). The information on the Internet is accessed by launching an application called a web browser. Examples of web browsers are Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox. The Internet is navigated through graphic pages that contain hypertext (Text with links to other text).

These concepts are explained on a pretty basic level, but hopefully it clears up some confusion about the two words: Network & Internet.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Kudos for Innovation

Kudos for innovation is shared by two elementary teachers: Julie Betts from Bitterroot and Dan Erikson from Poly Drive. Both teachers have recently had training in using the ipod mp3 player & iTalk microphone to record audio. They also had training on creating classroom podcasts. Both of these teachers used these new skills and new digital tools to create classroom podcasts. Betts had her students read the biography reports they wrote. Erikson had students read poems from a variety of authors. Both teachers then published the individual student readings into podcast forms.

To listen to Mrs. Bett's biography podcasts, you can subscribe to her podcast in iTunes:
Copy the following link:
Open iTunes and from the Advanced menu paste the above link into the box for "Subscribe To a Podcast" option.

To listen to Mr. Erikson's poetry podcasts, you can subscribe to his podcast in iTunes:
Copy the following link:
Open iTunes and from the Advanced menu paste the above link into the box for "Subscribe To a Podcast" option.

Watch future blog posts to learn how to subscribe to other TILT podcasts, and how to make your own podcast.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

TILT days energize

This is an experiment as much as anything. My students created collages using the National Gallery of Art website. They made screen shots and imported their artwork into a word doc. I uploaded their images into PhotoStory3 and created this little showpiece for their collages. To see more about their Romare Bearden experience visit the Castle Rock Art website.

What's up with that?

Television has been talking about the digital changeover in 2009...does that affect us with older tv's in our classrooms? Or does it even affect us? Wondering...

Friday, February 15, 2008


If you have not had a chance to explore podcasts I highly recommend you do it. There are many great sources that are free via a podcast. If you go to itunes and click on the itunes store there will be a button to push for podcasts. You then can begin searching for different podcasts. There are some neat podcasts done by the national parks, even Glacier National Park has one. One of my favorite podcasts is through National Geographic called Wild Chronicles. The episodes are short little videos that you can use for free to introduce a concept or to explore the world of science. There are many that are based on animals. My students love these short little video podcasts. Be sure that you watch the video first to make sure that is what you want to use. I think you will really like this option for your class.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Underground Railroad

This site, The Underground Railroad, is recommended for grades 4 and up. The content presents an accurate and personal view of the brutal practice of slavery, a concept that may be difficult for young students. If you teach grade 3 or younger, please review each section carefully and thoroughly before you decide to use it with your class.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Declaration of Independence Message

This was a commercial before the Super Bowl this past Sunday. It is a recitation of the Declaration of Independence by a few famous Americans. It is a great video you can use in your classrooms...but be aware, it might make you cry!

Email Is Down! Is the Sky Falling?

It is amazing how we rely on our email as a form of communication. How convenient is it to communicate with multiple people at the push (or click) of a button. Now, we find ourselves without this service...and feel cut off from the rest of the least the BPS world. So, is there a solution?
How can we survive if our email server dares to crash on us again...we are educators, we ALWAYS have a plan B. Even if we don't know it.

The answer is to use an alternate email address. I would bet that most of us have a hotmail, yahoo, Google or some other service email. So, if you are trying to get a hold of me via can still do it through email. Just use a different account. Here are two alternative email addresses for me.

Hey! How about a Plan C?? Using Chat software, we can still stay in touch and the communication is immediate. Hmmm...guess what activity each TILT meeting will start with this next month!

Let's keep the communication open and flowing!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Hey, what's up with the email? Inquiring minds want to know.