You hear people that use computers a lot always saying, "right-click" when giving out instructions. Keyboard shortcuts and right-clicking are answers for the lazy computer user (me). I don't like to waste my time and efforts by figuring out which menu holds my command and then using my mouse to access that menu and go to the command. Instead, I use keyboard shortcuts (discussed already) and I right-click. So, here are a few gems for you to try.
Right-click on your desktop:
You can clean up your icons
You can change your screen saver and wallpaper options
You can create a new folder for organization
Right-click in any open window (away from any icons):
You can change the way you view your contents (icon, list)
You can clean up your icons
You can create a new folder for organization
You can change the settings for a folder and its files
Right-click on an icon:
You can open it
You can delete it
You can print it
You can send it to a new location or to someone as an attachment
You can rename it
You can view the properties of the file
So how do you know when to right-click and when to left-click? This is a question I get all the time. Here is an easy rule of thumb; if someone tells you to "click", they mean left-click. If someone wants you to right-click, they word it this way..."Right-click on the desktop and go to Properties."
Still not sure when to right-click...? The next time you get ready to go to a menu, stop... and try right-clicking...see if the same command isn't available for you in the pop-up menu that occurs. Just remember this small piece of advice. You must select what you want to affect, so right-click on whatever it is you are working with to get the appropriate pop-up menu.